Today during Maths I was on a maths website. I was working on my addition. It wasn't really challenging but I enjoyed it a lot.
The moment I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. The whole of room 7 and 6 students received their own individual net books.
We got this tool not to help us with our learning but to change the way we learn. As I unwrapped my net book my face lit up. The moment I’ve been waiting for arrived.
Out loud we counted down, from 10 - 1 as we turned on the start button with our index finger.
“CLICK” went the start button.
I was filled with thankfulness and happiness that we’ve finally got to touch and hold our very own net books.
It was nearly time to have a little play on our net books, but first we had to follow a few instructions that Miss G demonstrated on one of the machines.
We had to type in our user name from our email address and think of a good 8 character password for our log in.
The clock was ticking and soon our fun had to end. Tick, Tock, tick, tock went the clock, it was time to put away our net books. My face dropped as I packed up my net book carefully.
It felt like I was saying good bye to someone who passed away.
What a day full of excitement and being impatient.
Heres a video of our first experience using our net books.