Monday, May 3, 2010

Time To Run, Play and Chant!

The weather was cold it was like somebody was in a freezer and the wind was blowing the leaves off the trees like a tornado.
Straight after our school mass, we all came back to class to get ready for athletics. When we came to class, Miss G told us we could get changed into our athletics gear. When I was all dressed I sat down peacefully.

Suddenly the bell chimed through my ears, like I was listening to something really noisy. Next I went outside to play king ball in the tennis courts. No one was playing so I popped over to the field where the running lanes were. Some kids were running around and some were racing each-other. I was feeling bored, so I asked Ofa for a race. We came a tie.

The moment finally arrived. I was getting nervous more and more. My heart was beating like I can’t breathe. First race was the 5 year old’s. When it was time for the 10 year old’s I got up slowly like an old lady. Bang the blocks went!!. Yay I was coming first. Later on in the heat race I came second. I was really happy with what I came. After lunch it was time to start the novelty races. We played fun games like a wheelbarrow race and a marble on a spoon.

Athletics then came to an end. Geckos won, “Hooray” Geckos shouted, chanted, yelled, and screamed. My ears were getting really sore. It was hometime, so I walked with Ofa to her house.
What a fun tiring experience I had.


  1. Hi Angelica It is great to see that you are posting onto your very own blog. I look forward to seeing what you are up to this year and how your writing and blogging skills are improving.

  2. A great recount of our athletics day, Angelica. Some of your similes are very descriptive. I love the one about getting up slowly like an old lady. Fantastic.
